4 Days
4 Days
Of Service & Worship
More Than 100
More Than 100
Work Sites
His Hands, His Feet, His Spirit

Countdown to COP 2024

What It's All About

Over the years, COP has become a church-wide ministry engaging 100 students and more than 100 adult volunteers. These are really fast-paced days, and at the end you’ll be worn out for the sake of the Kingdom, but would you want it any other way?

Each year for one week in the summer we serve people in our community who need assistance. Sometimes it is yard work or painting. Other times it may be doing repair work of some kind. Sometimes it is just visiting. No matter what we are asked to do, one work site has no less importance than another.

Our day begins with breakfast at the church before we head out to the work sites. We spend the day with our clients doing whatever work they have asked for and spending time with them. When our work is done we go to Host Homes for showers, downtime and dinner and then head back to Creekside for the evening.

COP is also a full-on retreat! Evenings include friendly team competition, great worship and biblical teaching. At the end of the evening we are worn out and bunk down at the church for the night.

Check out all the details on the site. Whether you are a student or an adult, find your place at COP being His Hands, His Feet, His Spirit.

COP 2024 June 23 – 27th

The COP buzz begins in early March with the first registration. Excitement builds over the course of the next few months as students reminisce about last year and look forward with anticipation to this summer. Family vacations are scheduled around COP. Sports practice is worked in or skipped altogether so students can participate. COP is the highlight of their summer and talked about long after it has ended. It is where some students accept Christ for the first time; it is where others renew their commitments to Him. COP is where students put their faith in action. It is where lives are transformed.


Register Your Student Online    Schedule

Fees: Due to scheduling challenges and increased fees for last-minute planning, we are encouraging students' fees to be paid as early as possible. Pay early to save money!

Pay during this month Students Rising 6th Graders
March $325 $75
April $350 $85
May $400 $90
June 1-11 $425 $100
June 11 is the last day to register!

Rising 6th Graders - Sunday (4:45pm-10:00pm) & Monday (8am-10pm) only  (Rising 6th graders do not spend the night)
College students are welcome and will not be charged a registration fee.

Scholarships are available. Please talk with either Mackenzie Girton or Rikki Comella.

Registration Closes on June 11.

Registrations will be accepted in direct correlation to securing the required number of adult volunteers. Just click the "registration" button to complete your online registration.


Well over 100 volunteers sign up each year to be part of COP’s mission to serve Christ’s church by transforming lives. Collectively our volunteers create an environment during COP that encourages the transformation of lives by focusing on spiritual growth. Through your service seeds are sown in the hearts and minds of our students.

Volunteer Opportunities   Online Volunteer Registration  



Creekside COP - Participant / Volunteer Testimonial
"Marvel Comics has nothing on COP! For one week in July, super heroes from Creekside make a difference in their communities through hard work and love. As a Host Home I have had the joy and blessing to hear their stories at the end of each day and simply be amazed. I can't wait for each year's COP sequel."
Host Home Volunteer