We don’t want you to arrive without what you need OR with stuff that you don’t need. Carefully check out the list below to make sure this year’s COP is awesome for you.
What to Bring
- Wear Long pants ~ For safety, these are required on the job site where mowers and other power equipment is being used
- Wear Closed Toe Shoes ~ For safety, these are required on ALL the job site
- Bring a small sling/bag to carry change of clothing and shower supplies to your Host Home
- Work Gloves
- Safety Glasses
- Sunscreen
- Shorts ~ Ladies and Gentlemen, please no really short shorts
- T-shirts ~The dress code guidelines are outlined in the Policy document
- Sandals
- Swimwear ~ Ladies - one piece swimsuits that must be appropriate for a church event
- Towel
- Toiletries ~ Especially toothpaste and deodorant
- Bible
- Willing, flexible, sacrificial attitude
What Not to Bring
- Money
- Movies
- Video games
- Weapons of any kind
- Illegal Drugs
- Alcohol
What about music devices and cell phones?
Ok… here’s the deal. You can bring 'em, but they are not allowed on the work sites, during game time or at Worship. Period. If you are found using them during any of those times, they will be confiscated and returned at the end of the event. Use of music devices should be limited to after lights out and for your personal listening only. Be sure to bring your Earbuds. Cell phones are to be used for emergency only. Let’s be together building community and not distracted by texting, etc… It’s only a few days. We can provide text counseling if needed.
What about Prescription Meds?
Any prescription medication can be checked in and dispensed by an adult COP volunteer if needed.