With God's help, we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way the leads to eternal life.

Recognize this? It's the Baptismal Covenant we say at church when we baptize a baby. As believers, we promise to help each other raise God's children in the faith. We also desire for our children to be confirmed and strengthened in a way that leads to eternal life.

Volunteers play a vital role and have significant impact on the lives of our students. You have the opportunity to spend a week living into our COP theme as you serve students and work alongside other volunteers. COP isn't just about packing coolers, preparing meals or delivering tools, though all of that needs to be done. It's about transforming lives by reflecting the light and love of Jesus.

Thank you in advance for your time, your energy, your investment and your heart for Jesus and our students.

Your Information

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Volunteer Area

Waivers and Agreements

Please read the following waivers and agreements carefully. They include release of liability and the waiver of legal rights. The Waiver of Liability deprives you of the ability to sue certain parties. By agreeing electronically (clicking the boxes to the left of each document name), you acknowledge that you have both read and understood all text presented to you as part of the registration process and agree to abide by its instruction.

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By entering my name below, I assert that I have reviewed and agree to all the waivers and agreements I selected above.

A member of the Oversight team may contact you for further information