COP 2025



With God’s help, we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to eternal life. On this and every outing Student Ministry undertakes, it is imperative that parents and students understand that we represent Creekside Church and Jesus Christ. Our behavior should be exemplary both individually and as a group. We have set high standards and expectations with respect to conduct. Please read the following retreat guidelines and go over them in full with your student. There should be no misunderstanding with regard to the guidelines and consequences levied for failure to comply.


  • Disrespect in word or action towards any adult volunteer during the event
  • Not adhering to guideline or rule put in place by Student Ministry leadership
  • Any hazing of students – this behavior is absolutely NOT tolerated!
  • Possessing or using tobacco products, alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons
  • Any act of vandalism. (The student/parent will be held responsible for the payment or replacement of the damages due to vandalism)
  • Guys entering girls' sleeping or changing areas for any reason
  • Girls entering guys' sleeping or changing areas for any reason
  • Leaving campus without the express permission of Student Minister or COP Leadership
  • Should it be necessary to send a student home, the student and adult leader will call the parents, and the parents agree to leave immediately to come to the church or worksite to pick the child up


  • No inappropriate use of cell phones during any planned activity during the event. In the case of infraction, phone may be confiscated and returned at the end of the event
  • Respect other people’s property
  • Clean up your own mess
  • No rough-housing. No raids
  • Each student will attend and eat at every meal and attend every Worship session
  • Students will be on time to all sessions
  • Movies and video games should not be brought to any event unless otherwise approved
  • Earbuds should be used when listening to music
  • No conversations about inappropriate materials or subjects (books, movies, gossip, etc.)
  • Only G- or PG-rated movies should be viewed. Only E-rated video games should be played


Creekside COP - Participant / Volunteer Testimonial
"COP brings people together no matter what the task, through bee stings and broken limbs, to accomplish a goal. You can’t always find that today in the normal world."
High School Student